It's come to my own attention that it's been a long while since I've been able to come up with a particular topic of which I could comment on at length. This is probably due to a number of things, such as too much blog reading, too much multitasking, being employed in a data-entry job, being out of an academic environment, being in less contact with people who are thoughtful, not caring to write things purely for my own pleasure, etc.
While knowledge is a good within itself, I feel it needs to be applied, or it is loses a lot of its value (or at least appears to). So, I find myself in a bind that I'm learning quite a bit, considering my current circumstances, but with little room for application. Hopefully my non-paid employment situation will help solve this problem.
Realizing that I didn't fall asleep until at least 2:30 am (which is extremely late for me now), and that I did wake up at 7:20am, I'm tired now. Later I might be able to focus on a topic of which to write later on, but not for the moment.
Future topics I should write on:
-Connection between Childhood's End and Evangelion, (and Ghost in the Shell)and if Clarke really believed in all that modern mysticism.
-What will be the biggest issues for the next president.
-Why no president, without overriding the Constitution 10x more than any previous president, will be able to fix America in four, eight, or twelve years (for if Obama is the next FDR).
-Why any president who does override the Constitution that much will probably contribute to ever-growing number of "alarmist" media to contain "The End of" in their title, with this book being titled The End of America.
(Update: I just found out there already is a The End of America, which "is a harbinger of an age that may finally see the patriarchal realm of political discourse usurped.")
-Figuring out how much oil is being used to create alternative energy; figuring out if any alternative energy is being used to create alternative energy; figuring out how much of the problems are infrastructure-related, etc.
-Thinking the government should take all the money they plan on investing in alternative energy and instead invest it in the "Modern Amish" (Amish who own washing machines), since that is probably the real direction of where we are heading.
The Trump Mandate
2 months ago
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