A bunch of little things.
I'm working at BIA Financial Network. It consists of typing data into a data base. I gather data by phone, and by internet. I also sit at the front desk as an "administrative assistant" from approximately 1:30 - 2:40 everyday, which means I answer the phone, and read news and stuff.
I'm riding my bike more, reading more fiction, and getting more sun (in that order). I'm now a "2" instead of a "1" on the numerical skin pigmentation chart.
I start my internship in about one month. It will be with the communication department of the USCIRF, and it's the first time I'm actually applying Academic Information in the work environment. It's going to be good, except that I need to get on the ball and prepare for it, as I have not done any AP style writing in about a year.
Things sold include a weight rack; model gun; AC adapter; various SNES games. Current profits: around $250 - 300 -- my mom has made $1200, so far. And don't forget extra space, no extra mercury in my water from thrown away electronics, and less drugstore.com boxes.
That's all I got to say for now.
The Trump Mandate
2 months ago
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