Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New beginnings? Too cliche. You know what I think about those...

For no particular reason except that I havent been writing and need to write (transcribing is not writing), I am returning to the blogosphere. Before anyone criticizes my lack of apostrophes, I must tell you that hitting the apostrophe key on my keyboard activates the search function, which interrupts my writing and stifles my creative nectars. Most likely Ill just do my blogging with Chrome from now on.

What should one expect from this blog? Look forward to ill-informed pontifications on all sorts of philisophical and theological matters, food and drink reviews, comments on the opinion makers Ive heard at work, thoughts on visual and acoustic media Ive sensed of late, perhaps a picture of an Obama motorcade, an amusing ad or license plate, et cetera. Who knows?

Tonight wont be a big writing night, but rest assured that I will be "intentional" about my blogging, i.e., I will do my best to make note of and remember the astute observations that occur constantly throughout my day, in order that I may enlighten the reader and spur on humanity's inevitable progress toward world peace, universal conciousness/health care (almost the same thing), the rapture, et cetera.

I leave you with an image of the White House in spring, taken during my lunch break. (The picture was supposed to be at the bottom of the screen, but Im not going to fix it.)


Hen said...

Do new beginnings come from some other beginning's end?

Hen said...

Also, instead of writing Ive did you know that the word I've comes from the words I and have, neither which require an apostrophe? Your not thinking of other ways to type!