Thursday, November 8, 2007

"Everything is so short in the gospel. Oh! what a little life of Him it is! Better so, of course, or it would have been otherwise. But they must have a bigger history of Jesus up in the high country. I trust we shall gather a life story from mouth after mouth about this Man, such as he was in the world, and that it will not be forgotten. The fame of men, the praise of men, passes away like a breath, and it is gone, thank God; but what Jesus did will be a rejoicing throughout the Divine ages, because He was a true Man -- nay, the true Man. There never was a Man in the world but Jesus. The rest are all only growing up to be men."

- The Story of Zacchaeus,
in Getting to know Jesus - By George Macdonald, the most Christocentric anti-Calvinist I've read to date.

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